My First Full Stack Project

Day 1

So the goal of the full-stack project was developing a web application from scratch to finish from planning and designing the UI to configuring it with the database

I started with this E-commerce website as my full stack project just because I had the curiosity to always make something product based so I started working on it.

Now the website of course I'm not developing it all by myself since this is my first so I'm referring to youtube videos and various sources and putting everything together I think everybody follows the same journey in their beginning

So today was day 1 I started with creating the server and integrating it with the backend and then adding the product schema and testing whether it was working or not in postman.

As you can see I created a collection in postman to test my API

This helps a lot in testing and I think it's a good practice to test your code as you finish a particular module

This is what my project structure looks like so far finished with error handling today so that the server won't crash in case of errors

Nothing Interesting going on in the database just a sample product was added and performed CRUD operations on that.

Few tips I would like to add

  • Revise the concepts before starting like REACT-EXPRESS-NODE-MONGODB

  • Maintain pen and paper notes of what you're doing (the flow of what you did)

  • Comment the code properly so that later in the future you'll understand what the function does.